Get more from your first-party data with less of your ad dollars

Unlock the secret to delivering more targeted ad experiences and maximizing return on ad spend (ROAS)—without relying on third-party cookies.


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Build and sync hyper-specific audiences 

No more waiting on data teams to clean, combine and transform data for marketing use. Simon empowers marketers with direct access to the data they need.

No more CSV uploads! With Simon Activate, you can create hyper-specific advertising segments that update continually - with automated exit and entry criteria - and seamlessly connect downstream to every major digital advertising channel.

Increase your match rates with Simon Match+

Work faster, smarter, and more efficiently

With Simon Match+, you can find and match contacts with multiple email addresses + further enrich these profiles with incremental new identifiers (hashed emails and mobile ad IDs) to improve ad platform match rates.

Beta users report match rate increase of up to 43% or more, depending on the ad channel. 


Wasted data is wasted ad spend

In the face of higher ad costs, smaller budgets, and the looming elimination of third-party cookies, how can you ensure that your paid advertising is as efficient and as effective as can be?

The key to higher ROAS is to explore and exhaust the possibilities of your first-party data—and with tools that make this endeavor easier for your marketing AND data teams, not harder.

Simon Activate & Match+ offer marketers a more efficient way to access, activate, and enhance first-party data for paid media.

“My favorite part about Simon Data is the seamless integration with Google Ads. The product allows frequent updating of my first-party data, which has advanced my data strategy and allowed me to improve my audience funneling systems without unnecessary work and extra steps. It has been quick and easy and served all of my needs!”

- Brian H.

Integrate seamlessly with all major advertising channels

Don't take our word for it

Our G2 reviews speak for themselves


Unlock the secret to more targeted ad experiences and increased ROAS

Get more from your first-party data with less of your ad dollars

Unlock the secret to delivering more targeted ad experiences and maximizing return on ad spend (ROAS)—without relying on third-party cookies.
